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Our group


AU·SIS (“Autophagy & autosis”) began in 2023 as an emerging research group led by Álvaro F. Fernández, who has extensive experience in both autophagy and autosis, a peculiar type of cell death barely studied.
Thus, the group seeks to expand our knowledge in both processes, so we transfer these discoveries to the clinic.


Established in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of Oviedo, AU·SIS is part of a university community of tradition (being founded in 1608) fully committed to research excellence (having been awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” seal).

Furthermore, the Principality of Asturias, once an important industrial region in Spain, is currently seeking to promote research and innovation within an incomparable natural setting.



Transparent, rigorous research

Social inclusion

Science is for everybody!


Healthy work-life balance


Álvaro F. Fernández

Principal investigator

María Guerra Andrés

Pre-doctoral fellow

Ignacio García López

Undergraduate student

Former members

Andrea Carretero Ramos – Undergraduate (external academic placement and Bachelor’s Thesis, 2023 – 2024)
Laura Álvarez González – Undergraduate (Bachelor’s Thesis, 2023 – 2024)
