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Our publications


· Guerra Andrés, M.; López Martínez, C.; López Alonso, I. & Fernández, Á. F. Identification of dysregulated autophagy genes in lung cancer. 45th Congress of the Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) – Zaragoza, Spain (2023)

· Guerra Andrés, M.; García-López, I. & Fernández, Á. F. A comprehensive analysis of autophagy-related signatures in cancer. Spanish Society of Autophagy (SEFAGIA) 2024 – Jarandilla de la Vera, Spain (2024) – Poster

· Fernández, Á. F. One autophagy list to bind them all. Spanish Society of Autophagy (SEFAGIA) 2024 – Jarandilla de la Vera, Spain (2024). Oral communication

Educational articles

· Fernández, Á. F. Autosis: a peculiar type of cell death (Spanish). Classroom Corner – Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM). July 2024. https:/